Inspecting Your Roof Before Hail Season in Austin

A thorough roof inspection before the start of the stormy season each year allows you to identify and address potential issues. Being proactive protects your home from water damage and ensures the longevity of your roof.


Start with the Simple Things

This is the part of a roof inspection you can do yourself without a problem. Start with an exterior inspection from the ground. You’re looking for visible signs of damage. Missing or damaged shingles, including paying attention to any roof debris you find in your yard. Also look for any dents or obvious damage to any metal surfaces including your gutters and downspouts. Loose or damaged flashing around vents, chimneys, or skylights indicates damage, and can lead to water leaks that cause additional problems in your home.


Go into your attic and inspect the ceiling for signs of leaks. Look for water stains, dampness, or any visible signs of water intrusion. If you find any, it's an indication that your roof may have sustained damage. If you have skylights, carefully inspect them from the inside for cracks or damage. Skylights are vulnerable to hail damage, and any compromise in their integrity can lead to water leaks.


Call a Roofing Pro for the On-Roof Inspection

Climbing onto the roof is something that should be handled by a professional inspector, especially for homeowners over 55. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know what to look for, and what to request from your inspector. They should be looking more closely for damaged or missing shingles. Gutters and downspouts need to be inspected from the roof as well. They’ll be able to see smaller dents more clearly, and can look inside the gutters for an accumulation of granules from shingles that indicates the roof has sustained some damage.


You should ask them to examine the flashing around roof penetrations, such as chimneys, vents, and skylights. They should ensure that the flashing is intact and not showing signs of damage, as it plays a crucial role in preventing water intrusion. If you have satellite dishes or antennas on your roof, make you’re your roofer inspects them for damage. Hail impacts can cause these installations to shift or sustain damage. Make sure your inspector will document any damages they find with clear photos. This documentation can be useful when filing an insurance claim, providing evidence of the pre-existing condition of your roof.


Hailstorms can cause significant harm to roofs, leading to leaks, weakened shingles, and even structural issues. Inspecting your roof before hail season in Austin is a crucial step in protecting your home from potential damage. We can help. Homeowners who are on our monthly maintenance plan have a designated home coordinator, who can schedule a roof inspection by a professional roofer to handle this (and will make sure to ask all the appropriate questions).


Contact us to schedule a free assessment to learn how we can help you stay on top of all your home’s maintenance needs.


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