The Pros and Cons of Installing a Walk-in Tub in Austin

As you adjust your home to be perfect for you for years to come, bathroom renovations should be on your list of big changes to make. Part of the process is balancing your current needs with your future needs. Your standard tub may still be working just fine, but you want your renovation to be functional for you long into the future. Adding a walk-in tub is a great option if you love a good soak. Let’s go over some of the pros and cons to help you decide if installing a walk-in tub is for you.


Look at the Benefits of a Walk-In Tub

Walk-in tubs are not one size fits all. There are various sizes and styles to choose from to fit your space and your aesthetic. Many models also have customizable features as well. You can add built in seating, handheld showerheads, and additional accessibility options to fit your needs.


Accessibility and safety are two of the main reasons homeowners choose a walk-in tub. The low threshold, anti-slip surface, and built in hand holds cut down on your risk of slipping and falling. Choose a model with hydrotherapy features like whirlpool and air jets to get the full benefit. Therapeutic benefits include muscle relaxation, arthritis relief, and improved circulation.


Other Factors to Consider Before Installing a Walk-In Tub

 The overall experience of bathing in a walk-in tub is different from a standard or soaking tub, so it does take a slight adjustment. The interior space is smaller in most models than a standard tub taking up the same square footage of floor space, so make sure you’re comfortable sitting in your tub before you commit to it. It is also necessary to get into the tub before filling it and wait for it to drain before you can get out. Look for a model with a heated seat and rapid draining feature to avoid getting chilled.


A walk-in tub requires professional installation and may require modifications in order to accommodate the size and shape. If you’re planning a full bathroom renovation this will likely not be an issue, but it’s important to be aware of potential complications if you are planning to add a walk-in tub to an existing bathroom.


Whether you choose a walk-in tub or opt to go with a larger zero-entry shower with a seat instead, the goal is to create a safe and comfortable bathroom that will continue to work for you for years to come. Golden Home Management exists to simplify aging-in-place so you can focus on enjoying life rather than managing to-do lists and calling tradespeople. We have a list of fully vetted contractors who can handle anything from bathroom renovations and roof replacement to HVAC maintenance and more regular handyman work. Our clients also have a dedicated home coordinator who you’ll get to know so anytime you need maintenance for your home, you call you  a familiar voice who handles all the legwork of getting the right person to fix it at a fair price. Reach out to us today, let’s get you started on our monthly maintenance plan with a free assessment.


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