Lawn Maintenance Tips For Austin in Spring

Having a lush, green lawn depends on being one step ahead of the weather so your yard is ready for a great growing season when it arrives.


Early Spring – Prep and Cleanup Your Yard

 A covering of fallen leaves can be healthy for your lawn during the winter as it serves to insulate the roots of the grass. Once we’ve passed the last cold snap of the season though it’s time to get it all cleared away to allow sunlight to reach the soil. Raking will also clear away dead grass to help prevent it from becoming thatched which can hinder water absorption.


Here in Austin the high clay content of our soil can cause it to become densely compacted. The good news is that aerating your yard once every other year or so alleviates the problem and encourages good water and nutrient absorption. The process simply perforates your soil with small holes about every 6 inches. If you have an in-ground sprinkler system it’s a good idea to leave aeration to the professionals as it’s too easy to cause accidental damage when you don’t have experience.


Our monthly maintenance plan can help. Not only will you have an hour each month with a handyman you’ll get access to your own home coordinator who can help you find the best, already vetted, lawn professionals – or any kind of professional you need for home maintenance & safety.


Get the Greenest Lawn on Your Block

Kickstart healthy lawn growth with a pre-emergent herbicide in late winter or early spring. Follow it up with quality fertilizer as warmer weather sets in. The best results come from “weed and feed” treatment – fertilizer that is formulated specifically for the Austin region and includes a general weed deterrent.


It’s tempting to keep cut grass short, but allowing the blades to grow taller is better for your lawn’s health early in the season. The taller grass gives shade to the area which chokes out weeds while helping the grass roots to grow deeper.


A consistent, efficient watering schedule is a key factor in maintaining a thriving lawn. Water as often as possible while following any local restrictions. A smart irrigation system has the ability to optimize your watering schedule to local weather conditions, it’s a wise investment for your home if you value a lush and verdant yard.


Keep an eye out for signs of pests like grubs or chinch bugs, as well as fungus that can cause damage to your lawn. If you have dead spots they can be patched with new sod, but it’s important to know their cause so that can be addressed as well.


Getting on top of lawncare early in the spring sets the tune for a gorgeous lawn throughout the growing season. You don’t have to do it alone. Golden Home Management is here to help. Give us a call, we can ensure you have the best lawncare as well as making your overall home maintenance a breeze.



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